SIMAP is the first artistic mediation product meant to help Romanian museums bring new value to their artistic collections. The first institution to use SIMAP is the Palace of Culture museum in Iasi, Romania. To see how it works, you can download it from App Store or Google Play.


Explore art galleries weather you are in the museum or elsewhere;

Quick access to a broad range of details about an item in the collection by scanning a QR code;

Select the navigation that suits you best: Child, Adult, or Expert. Or better off, explore all of them;

Join the conversation. Share your impressions with the museum curators, by writing tags or comments to art works that made an impact on you;

Share images of your favorite artworks with your favorite people, straight from the application, at a beautiful image quality and resolution;

Organize artworks in collections of personal favorites, for later use;

SIMAP artistic mediation app


Programming Languages:

Swift 3, Objective C – iOS, Java – Android

Technology & Framework:

AVFoundation, iCarousel, CoreAnimation, Android Framework 4.1 and later




SIMAP encourages museum visitors to actively participate in a permanent negotiation of artistic meanings. In this way, both the content and the way it is delivered are permanently improved by the museum curators.

To help them achieve this goal visitors are encouraged to share their feelings about the displayed artworks, by using the TAG and COMMENT functionalities.

Based on tags and comments, museum specialists periodically adjust the content delivered with each item in the collection.

The first institution to use the SIMAP application is the Palace of Culture in Iasi, re-opened for tourists in 2016, after complex restorations. The pilot application integrates thirty representative art works of some great Romanian painters from the modern period.

To use the application please install it from Google Play or App Store.

SIMAP screens
SIMAP add tag

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