What is the digitization level in your SME?

Want to access ground-breaking technologies to advance your business? #NEdigitalizăm campaign greenlighted​!


This week we forward to all our partners and SMEs in the North-East Region of Romania an invitation from North-East Regional Development Agency, to assess their degree of digitization.

digitization level

What is #nedigitalizam?

This is a pilot project developed by the World Bank in partnership with the North-East Regional Development Agency, and funded by the European Commission. Leading experts from the London Business School and the University of Texas at Austin have worked together to understand the challenges that small and medium-sized enterprises face in digitization and have developed a program designed to provide a clearer picture of the region’s digitization needs.

As part of the program, SMEs will complete an online questionnaire and assess their digital maturity and needs by answering a few questions. In the first phase, SMEs will receive customized reports provided by the World Bank on their level of digitization, including a comparison study to other Northeast firms participating in the survey.

Why take the questionnaire?

The following are some of the benefits that result from completing the questionnaire:

-> Assess your company’s digitization level and understand which are the key areas where you should invest capital, external expertise, training, etc. to start a digitization process.

-> Learn about the overall benefits of introducing a digital solution into your production processes

-> Receive information about the situation of other SMEs in the North-East Region interested in adopting digital solutions.

-> Understand what preconditions/eligible criteria you should meet before starting an investment in digitization.

Currently, only 4% of SMEs sell online across borders and 11% use digital technologies, placing Romania 26th in the EU in terms of digital performance (out of 27 member countries). The partnership between the World Bank and the North-East Regional Development Agency aims to tailor future digitization programs and calls to the real needs of SMEs in the region.

* The project is funded by the European Commission under the initiative “Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of innovation programs in the EU”. Fill in the questionnaire here!