October 31st 2022 – digital transformation of the North East Region begins, with the launch of new Digital Innovation Hub (eDIH), a One-Stop-Shop structure that supports companies in a region to become more competitive by improving processes, products, and services using digital technologies.
The Hub – eDIH – will be functioning under the coordination of the Digital Innovation Zone – the largest digital transformation initiative in the North East Region of Romania, that RomSoft has been part of since 2019.
As one of the DIZ consortium members, RomSoft will be contributing to providing local SMEs and public healthcare institutions access to relevant test-before-invest facilities and exploration opportunities in the areas of AI and other key enabling technologies [KETs], to understand their feasibility and business impact.

˝DIGITAL INNOVATION ZONE EDIH – MANUFACTURING & SMART HEALTH for better business, life, and health in the North East Romania region˝ (eDIH-DIZ) is funded by the Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL) and the Operational Programme for Smart Growth, Digitization and Financial Instruments (POCIDIF) with a budget of 4 million Euro.
eDIH-DIZ provides support services to SMEs and public institutions, in the manufacturing and healthcare sectors, in the process of digital transformation by integrating technologies that can streamline production, reduce emissions and waste, increase competitive advantages and bring new services and products to market, while having positive impact on society. At the same time, these companies and institutions will have access to the European eDIH network, a consolidated system where they can identify technology solutions, suitable partners, and know-how.
Follow https://digital-innovation.zone/ to find out how you can benefit from innovation services such as digital maturity assessment, testing of new technologies, training, and development of key skills for digital transformation.