On June 23rd 2022, we invite you to a Q&A session with Raluca Bejenariu and Teodora Popescu, psychotherapists and co-founders of the In Dialog Association, on the subject of finding mental balance at work when coping with a changing world.
Raluca and Teo are psychotherapists. But, as they recognise themselves, they are atypical in the big world of psychotherapy and don’t necessarily follow trends.
Raluca and Teo have dreams. They dream about a world where every individual matters and has access to the appropriate psycho-emotional resources to fulfill its potential.
But Raluca and Teo don’t stop at dreaming. They put their dreams into practice, and take actual steps to make them come true. To name just two examples, see RMH Film Fest or how they extended the Hearing Voices Network in Romania.
Raluca and Teo love dialogue. They like to create contexts for conversations, with the strong belief that only by speaking and acting together we can overcome any difficult moment that we are going through.
In the name of constructive dialogues, we invited them to the next edition of Community Talks, in order to find out what makes us vulnerable in the present socio-economic context and how can we find balance.
What is Community Talks
After two years of remote work, we feel the need to, once in a while, get together and learn about inspiring stories from our line of work or from our community that are relevant to us.
With this idea in mind, we created this program that we called Community Talks. It is part of our larger dicussion about tech storytelling and how to have better conversations in our everyday work.
Once a month, we want to invite somebody from outside RomSoft to share with us an inspiring story, or just to have an interesting conversation, be it in the technical area or anything else that we have a shared interest. Our guests will play the role of the Guide to any good story, helping us navigate through difficult challenges, acquire new skills and understand where the opportunities lie in this rapidly changing world.